Peter Gideon [Rivaz 1956-67] passed away

We have just been informed that Peter Gideon [Jimmy Gideon’s younger brother] died of a heart-attack the night of July 18th 2012 at Kotdwara Uttarakhand where he had shifted to from Simla several years ago.

We have no other information to share at this time. However, as any further information might become available, we will add it here.

Condolences to Peter’s family.

RIP, Peter.


19 July 2012 UPDATE by Brig. H.S. Nagra

Have just spoken with Peter’s Son, Vivaan. The funeral is being held sometime tomorrow morning at Kotdwar itself. The family is planning a memorial Service for Peter at Delhi on Sunday ( Venue and timing to be finalised yet). Will keep you posted if I come to know.

21st July 2012 UPDATE by AYESHA GIDEON

A memorial service for my Uncle, Peter Gideon, will be held in at the Church of Redemption in New Delhi on Sunday July 22 at 6:00 p.m. sharp. The address is: 1 Church Road, North Avenue.  Directions to get there: once on North Avenue Road; turn right to the Mughal Gardens and then turn left to the Church. The church is next to the Rakab Ganj Gurudawara. The service will be held in the Parish Hall in the church. If anyone needs information they can call me at 98107 30910. Please pass this message on. Thank you for all your help. Regards  – Ayesha Gideon [Peter’s niece].

21st July 2012 MESSAGE from Peter’s daughter SARAH GIDEON in response to all the messages appended below.

Thank you for your kind words and the memories of my dad that you’ve shared. He was full of life and I think his body just couldn’t keep up with him. Bishop Cotton School was an integral part of his life, both when he studied there and when he chose to go back and work there, and it’s extremely touching to see the affection that people associated with BCS have for him. I’m going to miss my father terribly, but I know that now that he’s not confined to his body – he’s going to explore the mountains just they way he used to love doing it earlier in his life. Regards Sarah

16 thoughts on “Peter Gideon [Rivaz 1956-67] passed away

  1. Vishwa Nath Sood

    I was acquainted with Peter’s family. Jimmy was also a friend during our young days. Last I heard about Jimmy was longtime back when he was in Hyderabad (No news after that). Had a chance meeting with Peter on a few occasions at “CHEOG NEST” and in town. Peter was a very nice and soft spoken man. It seems unbelievable that he is no more. May his soul rest in peace!

  2. Sarah Gideon

    Thank you for your kind words and the memories of my dad that you’ve shared. He was full of life and I think his body just couldn’t keep up with him. Bishop Cotton School was an integral part of his life, both when he studied there and when he chose to go back and work there, and it’s extremely touching to see the affection that people associated with BCS have for him. I’m going to miss my father terribly, but I know that now that he’s not confined to his body – he’s going to explore the mountains just they way he used to love doing it earlier in his life. Regards Sarah

  3. Editor Post author

    21st July 2012 UPDATE by AYESHA GIDEON

    A memorial service for my Uncle, Peter Gideon, will be held in at the Church of Redemption in New Delhi on Sunday July 22 at 6:00 p.m. sharp. The address is: 1 Church Road, North Avenue. Directions to get there: once on North Avenue Road; turn right to the Mughal Gardens and then turn left to the Church. The church is next to the Rakab Ganj Gurudawara. The service will be held in the Parish Hall in the church. If anyone needs information they can call me at 98107 30910. Please pass this message on. Thank you for all your help. Regards – Ayesha Gideon [Peter’s niece].

  4. N.K.Akers

    My recollections of Peter are -simplicity and gentleness.And also singing alto in the choir.

    Very good at dramatics and quite different a personality, from James his elder brother.
    In his quite way he made a warm likeable impression on every one.
    Sincere condolences Sara and Vivaan.
    RIP dear brother cottonian.

  5. Deepak Thakur

    Very sad loss of another brother Cottonian and Rivaziate. Remember him very well from the time spent in BCS when he was there, although he was senior to me. Not only was he a good actor and musician (with The Cats I think), but he was a very warm hearted person, just like his elder brother Jimmy. Deepest condolences to Vivan and Sara, RIP Peter, hope your journey onward is happier and brighter.
    Deepak K. Thakur, R ’64-’73

  6. B.M.Singh

    A ver sad loss to the family of OCs. As has been said earlier he was a gentle well meaning and soft spoken individual. Condolences to his family.

  7. Jagat Aulakh (Rivaz 58-66)

    Very sad to hear of Peter’s demise even though I knew he was not in the best of health. I remember Summerhill too and his mother catering for the whole scout troop on one occasion. For a while they also lived near Faridabad, where we met often during the winter holidays.
    He was indeed a talented actor. He won the Glancy Dramatic Art prize in ’66 for his role as Mrs Gargery in ‘Pip and the Convict’; I was the convict! He starred as Alexander, later that year, in ‘Adventure Story’ at the Gaiety Theatre.
    His brother James was always looked upon as the dominant Gideon but Peter made mark just as strongly, in his quiet and unassuming way. It was a pleasure to have known him because he was, most of all, a close and caring friend.

  8. Harmanjit S. Saini (C-67)

    Deeply saddened to hear of Peter’s passing away. We were classmates. One of his great talents was acting. He took on the most difficult roles in dramatics at school and made all of us laugh. My deepest condolences to his children and family.

    Harmanjit Saini (C-67)

  9. Arun Batra

    I got to know Peter in 1967( when i was in Upper 2) when he was allotted to share a study with my brother Dilip to prepare for their SC exams. A well liked soft spoken guy who could also bellow “C’mon Rivaz” from the First flat as loud as his contemporaries. If I am not mistaken he used to play for the school rock band ( was it “the reverbs”??) with Presh Khurana and Alexis Gilani.
    We used to meet up at the OCA lunches in Delhi in the 80’s and 90’s but then lost contact when he went back to school to do his bit educating another generation of Cottonians.
    My condolences to Vivan and Sara
    Arun Batra

  10. Arjun S Sambyal

    Mr. Gideon, a soft spoken and a well spoken man. He and I spent many a warm Sunday afternoons on the benches overlooking the Second Flat. I was desperate to have his voice, his control. I learnt to speak well by slowing my speech not to a drawl but a controlled and extremely loud projection. It is my emulation of him, that within months I had secured the Glancy and did so the following year too.
    An angel and pure of heart……..I did not sleep well last night and I will not sleep well for sometime to come.
    Arjun S Sambyal (I/99)

  11. Partap Grewal (Curzon 1953-63)

    Dear Jimmy, please, accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your brother. With deep regards, Partap Grewal

    1. Partap Grewal (Curzon 1953-63)

      Dear Vivan and Sara: I wish to apologize for my earlier message, which I addressed to Jimmy. However, please, do accept my heartfelt condolences on your loss. May the Almighty comfort you all. With deep regards, Partap Grewal, Curzon House (1953-63

  12. Ranbir Brar

    I am shocked at the tragic news. I was in constant touch with him at Kotdwar. In fact a few months ago he came and spent a night with me at dehradun. Ravi Inder (I – 65) also came and spent the evening with us. He was recovering from his stroke and could talk a little more legibly. Just spoke to Mangal, his man-friday. Seems he had a heart attack at 10pm last night after dinner. His children Vivan and Sara are on their way from Bangalore and expected to arrive at Kotdwar by late afternoon. Will post his
    funeral/ burial details by the evening. Good Bye friend- RIP
    Brig Ranbir Brar (Retd), Lefroy ’66

  13. bharat

    I knew Peter since my school days he was the librarian then. A great soul and a thorough gentleman Peter has been an example for me in my life. I am shocked! My condolences to Peter’s family. RIP Peter.

  14. Anil Advani

    I knew Peter since I was a few years old. Often on a weekend our family would go over to Summerhill to spend the day with his. Peter’s mom would travel quite a lot in those days, she was a doctor with World Health Organization I think, and would bring back these tiny aero-models for us to make. Something very difficult to find in India [except maybe at India Hobby Center in Calcutta!]. Many years after we finished school, we were a large group of friends who continued to meet almost every day in Simla and listen endlessly to Peter’s extensive music collection. One favorite “pastime” was to walk the Simla-Kalka rail-track all the way from Simla station, to Summerhill, pick-up Peter, continue down the track to Jatogh station and then walk all the way back to Simla. Early morning [4 AM] we would often climb up Prospect Hill, to watch the sun rise behind Chandni Chur Peak and light up Simla…

    Peter drifted away and most of us never got to see him much after the late 1980’s.
    We did exchange a phone call or two every year but that was the extent of our friendship in the “later years”.

    Peter will be missed.
    RIP, dear friend.

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