From Rajiv Pandit Sharma and Vivek Bhasin ( Fellow Brothers of the Class of 1970 who have lost a precious brother Krit Tippakorn Rivaz House).
I am so sorry to inform you that we lost our dearest brother, Krit, whom we knew for most of our lives. We are surely poorer today without him
He passed away this morning at 11am California time.
Please inform our friends as you best see fit.
Each one of you becomes more precious with passing time.
I have many many Brothers in my life…. My brother Sharat Bhasin is my closest brother.
My brothers from the Class of 1970 are my other most closest brothers.
Krit Tippakorn was also my closest brother.
They say I can write wonderfully and express my love for all my brothers and my love for Bishop Cotton School. The years we spent there growing up to become men, passionate about our lives and doing the best we can well, honestly and diligently.And with love.
Right now I am unable to do..
Krit was a precious part of my life and we got even more closer as the years since we passed out from school stretched further away.
Krit once told me how he met a Buddhist Monk walking across the border in to the US from Mexico. Krit recognized this traveler as one of his own and spent a few minutes talking to him. This monk as a young boy escaped Tibet with His Holiness The Dalai Lama and arrived at the Refugee Camp in Chota Simla; where we Cottonians used to go and help doing social service on Sundays.
Krit made two important journeys to India after he left School in 1970:
The first one in Year 2000 when he arrived from Los Angeles into Delhi ( and I from London); he stayed with me and we traveled up to Dharamsala to meet Abhai Mankotia our brother School Captain Class of ’70 and spent a few days at Udechee Huts; we went on to BCS and arrived during the OC week.
The second trip was when he arrived with Rajiv Pandit (from Chicago) and his brother Thanasak (from Bangkok) for the Sesquicentennial in 2009!
(The third trip was planned between brothers Rajiv, Krit and me to travel to Brasil in 2013).
My last conversation with Krit took place exactly 48 hours ago. All he did was whisper in such pain… ‘Vivek‘ he said….’All I can remember right now is our days in BCS…and what an idea to give money to School for the Climbing Wall Mi Hermano…..and what a wonderful epitaph alongside it on the 2nd flat….TO SCALE THE HEIGHTS TO GLORY‘
Good Bye our wonderful and precious brother Krit; the whole school prayed for you in May this year when I attended Chapel Service; again during Speech Day.
(I now realise that Miracles seldom happen)
You are now free to soar to Heights of Glory.
Vivek Bhasin
EDITORs comments added on 14 July:
From emails received from Dr. Rajiv Pandit Sharma [Ibbetson 1961-1970] who is a professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at University of Illinois; we understand that Krit was diagnosed with Pancreatic Carcinoma in April 2011. The tests showed that it a was very serious situation. Through the first phase, attempts at chemotherapy and radiation were successful in containing the growth. He picked up some weight, the pain was controllable, and by the grace of God, he was able to see his son married, the birth of a second grandson. His brother Thanasak visited him in May 2011 and again in December 2011. He was also able to go to Thailand and spend some time back at home. He knew that the chances of recovery were slim. The pain reemerged in March 2012 and was unremitting after that. Two weeks ago he was beginning to bleed, OC Rajiv Pandit visited him during this time. Apparently there was nothing much anybody could do. Krit fought this with great courage. BCS was the part of his life that he cherished the most. It was always amazing how this gentle soul settled in Thailand, growing up in BCS, and finally successful in USA, could love our school so much.
We salute Krit and wish his family well.