BCS stands 3rd rank among the top 10 Boarding Schools in India

Bishop Cotton School Shimla stands 3rd rank among the top 10 Boarding Schools in India, the article had been published in the TOI, dated Sept 14, 2011. A copy of which is attached below.


Wendy Dewan

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5 thoughts on “BCS stands 3rd rank among the top 10 Boarding Schools in India

  1. archit gupta

    i am being a proud student today ! In 2008 we were ranked 21 . I remember , with a heading “WHERE ARE WE
    ” ??? and india’s 10 best BOARDING schools were displayed at the notice board . BUT NOW i’ll proudly say IT’S 3RD …..!! keep it up!! definetely we will always stand up with ”OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD”….

  2. Iftikhar Malik

    Strange.BCS is the best as it has all for boys…..the best faculty,best classrooms and excellent sporting and boarding facilities and a long long history which no other school can match.I would ask for a review.

  3. Gurdeep Singh

    Heartiest Congrats and very well done indeed to the Board of Governors, the Headmaster, Staff and students for maintaining the progress and improving further on the previous ranking of 4th, is very rewarding indeed.
    As I found during the ascent of Kilimanjaro last year, ascent to the top is always very tough, but with the neccessary determination, grit, resiliance and tenacity it is possible to make the top, and once attained is very rewarding indeed!
    Keep up the improvement.
    Gurdeep Singh

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