MM SACHDEVA [R ’64] – passed away

Sad to announce that Old Cottonian M.M. SACHDEVA [Rivaz 64 Batch) passed-away yesterday morning at Singapore.

Our heart-felt condolences to his family.


14 thoughts on “MM SACHDEVA [R ’64] – passed away

  1. Sudhir Khanna

    From: Sudhir Khanna []
    Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 10:09 AM
    To: Old Cottonians Association
    Subject: Re: Old Cottonians Association – Online
    MM, as I remember him was an earnest,hardworking growing boy. He was always willing to attempt anything that was new. I remember teaming up with him and two others for one innings at the Scoreboard. He never missed passing the number,despite the fact that they had been messed up by the previous Team. I can visualize him smiling happily after achieving his goal. May he be happy and rest in peace. May those who he has left behind remember the tremendous happiness he brought into the lives that he came across.


  2. Arun Khanna

    We deeply regret the demise of Mr.MM Sachdeva. May god give his family the strength and the courage to bear the immeasurable loss they have sufferred.

  3. Ashwani Malhotra(I)& Omp(C) 1957-66

    Sad demise of Shashi, V K’s wife and now her brother M M. Heartfelt condolences to V K and all the Ocs who shared wonderful moments with the fun loving departed souls and today grieve along with V K & Family.

  4. Deepak Thakur

    Very sad to hear the news of M.M. Sachdeva’s passing away. May he rest in peace & may his family, relatives and friends be blessed with courage and fortitude to bear the sad loss with deepest condolences to them all.
    Deepak Thakur, Rivaz 64-73.

  5. Ravi Inder Singh (I) 1956-65

    Very sad to learn that Sachu is no more. My heartfelt condolences to his family and to Vinod Pawa, his brother-in-law. He was a very jovial and a cheerful guy and we will miss him. May his soul R.I.P.
    In grief,

    Ravi Inder Singh
    (I) 1956-65

  6. Sushil Bhalaik

    Very sad to hear of the passing away of MM sachdeva.Did not meet him after school(1964).But do recall his cheerful nature.He was two years my senior and in Rivaz House.My deep and heartfelt condolences to his family.Sushil Bhalaik(Rivaz 1966)

  7. N.K.Akers

    Very sad to hear of MM’s passing away. Memories of him are of a jovial and fun loving senior.
    Met up with him after school in Singapore and experienced the same joviality and
    generous goodwill.
    Sincere condolences to the family.
    May God grant him peace
    N.K.Akers (Lefroy62-65)

  8. Himmat Marwah

    To the entire Sachdeva family, please accept my deep, heart-felt condolences on reading about the sad news regarding M.M.
    May God bless his soul and grant him eternal peace.
    Respects and regrets,
    Himmat Marwah
    Lefroy House – class of 1966.

  9. Uday Singh Jubbal.

    Shocked to hear of the sad demise of Mohinder Sachdev of Rivaz House 1964 batch……..He was one of the several Singapore,Malaysia & Thailand students who brought a lot of character into BCS in general & Rivaz House in particular.My heartfelt condolences & deepest sympathies to the bereaved family & may God grant eternal peace to the departed soul.

    Uday Singh Jubbal.

  10. G.S.Ananad 1961 batch

    My family and mine heartfelt condolences to the Sachdeva Family and we pray God gives heavenly abode and peace to the departed soul and give strenght to his family and his dear ones to bear this this unbearable and invaluable loss.Gobless them and the departed soul.

  11. Joe Joshi

    I’m so very sorry to hear of Mohinder Mohan Sachdev’s death. My thoughts are with his family. M.M was such an amazing man who touched the lives of many. Everyone who knew him will miss him. He was my best friend even after we left school.
    Joe Joshi (R 54-63)
    News Editor
    Al Jazeera TV English
    Doha, Qatar

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