The Sanawar Invitational [golf]

Dear Old Cottonian Golfers,
With reference to my meeting with reps, from Mayo college & Sanawar a few days back, the first inter school golf tournament has been fixed for Thursday 15th Sept 2011 at the Classic Golf Resort Gurgaon. The mail below gives all relevant details. As the participants from each school is being restricted to 20 golfers, I would request all regular golfers with valid club handicaps to to email their interest in being part of the Cottonian team,kindly do this on priority as I need to mail the names by 10th August. Kindly mail the following details,
I would request all regular golfers to come forward & participate.
Looking forward for your response,
Chetan Singh
Managing Partner Pioneer Sports Co.
F-21 Connaught Place New Delhi-110001
Nike Flagship Store
Tel/Fax 23355908
Email :

Subject: The Sanawar Invitational
Gentlemen, Thank you very much for your enthusiastic response to The Sanawar Invitational golf tournament and your feedback through last week. Taking everyone’s feedback and suggestions, the date for the quadrangle tourney between Sanawar, BCS, Mayo and Doon is fixed for Thu 15th Sept 2011 at Classic Golf Resort. You are aware of the busy calendar in September and I think this is the best option under the circumstances. Further details of the tournament shall follow, such as tee off, format of play, trophy etc. as well as details of the dinner and prize distribution, which most probably will be held the following day on Fri 16th Sept. 2011. For efficacy, we will constitute a tournament committee and as such request one nominee from each school to be on the committee, who will help formulate the format of play, referee etc and also keep their respective chapters informed. We are happy to work with all addressed in this mail, unless you wish to nominate another person from your school. The tournament will be conducted to a high standard, and fierce rivalry on the course should make the trophy a prized possession! We intend to make this a much sought after annual fixture and your cooperation and advice will be invaluable. A formal acceptance to The Sanawar Invitational by your respective school chapter head would be most appreciated, at the earliest. The Sanawar Invitational is an initiative of the Old Sanawarian Society, which shall bear all tournament expenses. The venture is lead by Jerry Bains, President of The Old Sanawarian Society.
Hardy Gill
(Sanawar – batch of 1980).

5 thoughts on “The Sanawar Invitational [golf]

  1. Anil Singha

    I,m confirming my participation in the tourney.
    Name : Anil Singha
    Handicap: -12
    Club: Chandigarh Golf Club.

  2. Pingback: Annual Inter School Golf on 15th Sept 2011 | Old Cottonians Online

  3. raman khanna

    yes chetan love to play
    naldehra golf club simla handicap 16
    delhi golf course handicap 16

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