Dear OCs,
I feel privileged in addressing this letter to all fellow OCs after my election as President of OCA (India). I accept this responsibility with all humility and with some apprehension too. There are some OCs who feel that the organization is not inclusive but too Delhi centric and want a greater say in its management. That our MOA needs to be amended is accepted by all and, to this effect, a draft has been prepared by the constituted committee and hosted on our website. It is open for members to offer their suggestions, which will be further screened by representatives of all chapters and put to vote at an EGM. By this open democratic process we hope to eliminate most, if not all grievances, of members.At this juncture I would like to put across to you what the OCA means to me. It has a dual function. While being an organization, which is a platform for all old students of BCS to meet, socialize and bond, preferably across all ages; we have to also, in an altruistic manner, provide support, financial and moral, to B.C.S. without interference with the actual running of the school. We do have representation on the Board of Governors and, to that extent, help in the framing of policies of the management.
In every group or association there would be diverse views on all subjects. It would be our endeavor to listen and take into consideration all the varied suggestions before proceeding further. In furtherance of this objective I would like to take this opportunity to request each of the Chapters to suggest the names of two members who could participate as members of the Committee.
While on the subject of Chapters of OCA (India), we should further fine-tune their geographic limits taking into account the number of OCs residing there in. Delhi or NCR, Northern (comprising of Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana and J&K) and Himachal Pradesh are generally accepted but what about the rest of India? The Bombay or Mumbai chapter has many members but does it only comprise of Maharashtra or also the other adjoining states? Moreover, how many OCs reside in the southern and eastern states? Are there enough to constitute separate chapters or should they be part of say a ‘Rest of India’ chapter. These are all matters, which require urgent resolution and I request all active members to write in with their views. We at the office of OCA (India) will also be perusing the list of members to arrive at some understanding of this issue and if there are OCs who are willing to lend a helping hand, they are most welcome.
congrats Mr. B.M. Singh on your appointment as the President of OCA. Its the first step in the right direction. OCA needs to fix the tenure of its President, what ever it may be. It will bring in new people with fresh ideas. Furhter, I feel the OCA should give suggestions regarding the formation of the Regional Chapters and then take opinions from the members.
Wishing you the best
Congratulation BM Singh on your appointment and best of luck.
Pingback: Delhi / NCR Chapter | Old Cottonians Online
Congratulations to Mr. B.M.Singh on his appointment for such a noble chair. Under his umbrella the OCA is ready to come together on all fronts, beating aside many questions and doubts which many OC’s had towards the OCA, earlier to his selection. Being a neutral and an experienced bureaucrat I am sure OCA would expand beyond all regional frontiers and excel as one single largest association of Old students in the world. I wish him all the very best with an assurance of full co-operation from my side.
ashwani singh virk
RIVAZ (1977 to 1983)
Mr. B.M.Singh, Congratulations. Your letter is inspiring. May God Bless You . A change is always good.
With your caliber BM the OCA will grow from strength to strength.
I very much second the proposal made by Dr. Santokh Singh that Mr. Gur Partap Singh Sahi be inducted
on to the Board. Warm regards and good wishes. ‘ Long Live the OCA another colourful 100 Years”
At Mumbai you have Mr S.S. Ahluwalia I-’56 to ably support OCA in that region.
Congratulations, BM.
Wishing you all the best in your new position – a well-deserved one. Looking forward to some real changes under your leadership.
Great news BM. Congrats. Agree with the content and spirit of your letter. My view is to assist the school as & when they need help and ASK for it OR if we find that things are going haywire – then interfere as a member of the Board. Let not OCA become intrusive. Regards & Best of Luck for a fruitful innings — Ranbir ‘Chhinni’ Brar
I wish BM the best of luck and all good wishes.His letter is superb and conveys what Old Boys should be doing.Any help from Lahore Pakistan will be gladly provided.
Many Congrats Sir on your appointment as President of OCA India. We are sure that under your
dynamic leadership, OCA shall not only become stronger as an organisation but it shall also help BCS to improve and
be rated amongst the best pubic schools globally.
Wish you the very best.
Sincere Regards.
Rajan Chaudhary IRS(Customs&C.Excise)
Congratulations BM on receiving this honour you deserve !!
I am sure your vision and leadership will lead OCA from strength to strength.
My very best wishes and warm regards .
Congratulations BM. Good luck
Best Regards
Ibbetson 1962-68
My dear B.M.,
Heartiest congratulations on your being elected/appointed as President O.C.A.,India!!
I am sure that the O.C.A.will go to dizzy heights under your leadership!! It is really a happy moment for me to have somebody at the helm of affairs who will see to the getting together of all Old Cottonians.Bishop Cotton School is proud to have a well qualified person to bring the school back to its past glory.It also gives me great pleasure that somebody of my age group should get this exalted post,partcularly a person with VAST experience having being in a very senior post in the Government of India.
I wish Ravi and you all success for the future………….
With best wishes & warm,personal regards,
Uday Singh Jubbal.(Ibbetson.1961-1966.)
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Some information about BM Singh, for those who might not be familiar with his background:
Brajindar Mohan Singh was at BCS from 1957 to 1963 in Curzon House. BM was Curzon House Captain in 1963, he won prizes/awards in School Athletics (400 & 800 mtrs) and was on the Basketball team.
BM Singh joined the Income Tax Dept in 1970 and retired as Chairman, Central Board of Direct Taxes in October 2007. He now lives in Delhi and is a Tax Consultant
at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy.An update – even though I continue working as a consultant, I am no longer with the NIPFP.
At the out-set, my congratulations!
1. As far as the Chapters go ,Yes! other Chapters, dormant and new have to be activated. Am sure there are Cottonians all over – Kolkata, Lucknow, Chennai Hyderabad, Bangluru and the likes.
2. These must be kept autonomous financially and aided if required to set them up.
3. The Constitution of the OCA be re-framed.
4. OCA (INDIA) be renamed OCA (Worldwide)
5. Mr Anand be Designated the Patron, in view of the yeoman service.
6. All chapters be involved in the functioning of the OCA, by incorporating elected members of the chapters. (On this I have submitted my views to Mr Devinder Jhaaj, when asked for my inputs
Best wishes
Congratulations. Looking forward to a fruitful innings from you.
I feel Gurpartap Singh Sahi from Chandigarh should be on the Board, on our behalf.
All the best & God bless.
Santokh Singh
Congratulations B.M. Singh…. You are a good man.
Joe Joshi
News Editor
Al JAzeera English
Doha, Qatar
Congratulations on your appointment as president and an applause for that first letter