The OCA (INDIA) AGM will be held at 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110 016 on Thursday 7th April 2011 at 5.00 pm followed by Tea
1] Agenda:
a) To approve the minutes of the last AGM
b) To approve and adopt the audited accounts of 2009 – 2010
c) President’s address
d) Secretary’s report
e) OCA Centenary 2011
f) To review and approve the new MOA of OCA
2] Any points for discussion to be forwarded by 21st March 2011 to the President/Secretary.
3] Elections
For all appointments including Executive Committee (minimum one per decade), President and Secretary will be held at this AGM. Please forward or propose names for nomination by 21st March 2011.
Dress: Blazer with Tie/Lounge Suit/Combination Suit.
April 6th UPDATE: In view of the change in weather, OCs may attend the AGM meeting in Shirt & Tie.
Other item for discussion: with the permission of the Chair.
Col. R. Dewan
Hony. Secretary OCA (India)
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