Dear OCs
This is to inform all that Mukesh Sethi [Ibbetson 1960-1968] passed away under tragic circumstances on 27th March 2011.
No further details are available with us at this time though.
Dear OCs
This is to inform all that Mukesh Sethi [Ibbetson 1960-1968] passed away under tragic circumstances on 27th March 2011.
No further details are available with us at this time though.
The OCA (INDIA) AGM will be held at 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110 016 on Thursday 7th April 2011 at 5.00 pm followed by Tea
1] Agenda:
a) To approve the minutes of the last AGM
b) To approve and adopt the audited accounts of 2009 – 2010
c) President’s address
d) Secretary’s report
e) OCA Centenary 2011
f) To review and approve the new MOA of OCA
2] Any points for discussion to be forwarded by 21st March 2011 to the President/Secretary.
3] Elections
For all appointments including Executive Committee (minimum one per decade), President and Secretary will be held at this AGM. Please forward or propose names for nomination by 21st March 2011.
Dress: Blazer with Tie/Lounge Suit/Combination Suit.
April 6th UPDATE: In view of the change in weather, OCs may attend the AGM meeting in Shirt & Tie.
Other item for discussion: with the permission of the Chair.
Col. R. Dewan
Hony. Secretary OCA (India)
Greetings Old Cottonians World Wide: As you know I especially make it a point to visit India in February and coincide this visit with the OCA (India) luncheon. The 13th of Feb 2011 was a special occasion due to the fact the OCA (India) was celebrating 100 years and we all eagerly await the launch of the BCS souvenir/coffee-table book compiled by many OCs with KC Anand orchestrating the full and final version.
The grounds of the Anand Corporate Office were pristine as always and the decor for the OCA lunch was tastefully done. The Quality and Print of the Menu was of the highest standards that could be matched with the Dorchester or the Waldorf Astoria. The food was exceptional and sumptuous and although I try to look after my delicate figure, I indulged in two helpings.
However the overall ambience was of a rather sombre note and for some reason ( that I unfortunately cannot not point out), the mood was low. I also believe the turnout expected was well below the minimum. Many Regular Old Cottonians residing in Delhi did not bother to attend. A few of the younger OCs did show up but as I repeat the air of joyful celebration of the OCA and our Alma Mater was definitely lacking. Possibly it could have been a low information flow locally, though the webmaster did post the same on the website a few weeks in advance.
Col Wendy Dewan was out of Station. From the Board of Governors only Anil (Dimpy Mehra) and BM Singh were in attendance. Raja Vir Bhadra Singh did grace his presence and so did General Batra. I do not believe any other Board of Governor attended nor did the Head Master.
To celebrate the centenary of the OCA (India), this special day was of great significance. For me to come to India and be present for the OCA lunch has always been a special occasion for me every year for many years. I love my School and so do all my Brother Cottonians.
Capt. Vivek Bhasin
Lefroy 1961-1970
Chairman OCA UK Chapter
For me at least, my start and my present journey through my life, my family, my career and friends always and invariably has the umbilical cord connected to the heart beat of Bishop Cotton School. I sometimes reflect on my present juncture and try to tick of in my mental check list if what I am today, what I have done in the past and what sort of a person I have become has the grains of BCS imbibed in me. Possibly yes in many ways.
The English alphabet and children’s nursery rhymes I was taught by my Mother in such a clever way that at the age of Five when I entered School I was supercharged with intelligence that I was given a double promotion to ‘Transition’….I had to work doubly as hard to ensure that when I finished Sixth Form I was barely 15 years old.
The love for American Wrigley’s and Rowntree Fruit Gum , Toblerone and Black Magic chocolates I got from my Father who always returned home after piloting the grand old cargo ships up the Hoogly River with these goodies for my Brother and I.
Nature Study I learnt from Mrs Advani; the ferns, the sweet peas, the dandelions and the rare four leafed clover.
The Beatles Abbey Road and the Red Coloured LP I first saw with Pawan ‘Aku’ Pawa.
English cut suits and patent leather shoes from Homer Gill.
The Love of Hot Bread with Sugar and boiled potatoes from the School Bakery and the Kitchen.
Commerce from Mr Malvea (and the Poetasters of Isphan; the Lefroy House play)
The map of India from Mr Mull who could draw it so beautifully on the black board, blind folded.
The art of beautiful writing from Mr Paul.
The art of crawling from Mr Bharpur Singh
..and the art of never getting caught, sliding down the Anderson Staircase or placing one foot in side the fountain by the Sly Gang: Father Bhasin-Anil Chopra and Prabuddha Singh…
The art of making traps: Michael Banon and Rajiv Pandit
The art of staying young: Krit Tippakorn
To read Shakepeare’s Macbeth by heart Anil Mediratta and Karan Singh who used to rant it talking in their sleep.
..and profound apologies to Mr Bhasin ( and Raja Bhasin); his scooter ventured away from the straight and narrow, losing control finding its way to the Khuds…and we having to lift it on our backs and bring it back; feigning innocence.
The second lady I ever kissed at the age of Five, was Mrs Goss our Linlithgow matron ( before going to bed) who insisted we do so after kneeling down, saying our prayers, our faces plastered with BCS vaseline
…But today with all those memories, tuition and wisdom intact..having visited 85 countries…and speaking 5 languages…feeling at home in Himachal, Rajasthan..England, Sweden, Costa Rica, Chile, Belgium and Italy to name a few, I feel the time has come to give back to my School. To go and show the young men what the world is all about and what they can do about it…. As Cottonians we are part of that exclusive Club….we need to form a Network Club…to pool our resources and help each other FIRST…. The Old Boys Club is an established fact. Our own careers, our own businesses….within the pool we should first seek out another Cottonian and try to help, advise, assist in any way possible. This needs to be done.
…at least for me. When I walk up the gangway on to one of our super container ships, or enter the Board Room of my Company, or shrug down my bespoke suit and Tommy Hilfiger Ties with the green silk patch in my jacket; wash away the suave smell of Tuscany ( that I pinched from my brother)..and take on my Levis 517, a pink double cuff shirt, a paisley bandana, a borsolino hat, Grenson boots, a bespoke white leather belt from DaMilano, gel my hair..sitting behind the mixer console at the ‘Sound of Your Life’ taking the role of a Radio Presenter, playing a heavy track from Rata Blanca ( a hard rock act from Argentina)….changing my voice from the Queens English to A New York twang and then say Buenos Dias y Vaya con Dios* and later Hej sa lange*…or being the MC at the Salaam Balak Trust’s ‘Salaam Rocks’……I AM NOT BLOWING MY TRUMPET.
(Some one needs to play the Chapel Piped Organ SO LOUD that the world gasps in admiration… All Good things should and must emanate from BCS)
Vivek Bhasin
Lefroy 1961-1970
* Buenos Dias y Vaya con Dios: Good Morning and Go with God.(Espanol)
* Hej sa lange: See you soon again (Swedish)