Monthly Archives: February 2011

OCA UK committee meeting – Feb 2011

At the request of our new chairman Vivek Bhasin I attended a committee meeting on 12/2/11.  We gathered at the home of Vinod Nanda in Norwood Green, Southall, Middx.

Picture: Left to Right are : Vinod Nanda (L59-68) ~ Sam Grewal ~ John Whitmarsh-Knight  ~ Daljit Singh Jaijee (R47-54) ~ Raj Lamba (L49-59)  ~ Vivek Bhasin (L61-70) ~ Rana Data Singh (L 50s) ~  Gursant Sandhu (New Secretary).
Front : Gursaant Singh (C95-00) ~ Puneet Singh (C91-00, Treasurer).

Reunion Luncheon at the Bombay Brasserie is on 25 June 2011.

Best regards
Peter Stringer

1961 batch reunion

The Class of 1961 is planning a reunion this year. They are searching for their class mates. They are also trying to figure out possible names of people who may missed the photo shoot. Any assistance would be appreciated in preparing a data base of addresses, phone numbers etc including details of the families of those who have passed away. They would also like to get in touch with these families to share their memories.

Do please assist in any manner you can and that would be appreciated.

Click picture for larger view.

OCA India AGM 2011

Dear OCs,

It is proposed to hold the OCA, AGM and General Body Meeting in the last week of February or early March in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Memorandum of Association of the OCA (India).

The exact date will be intimated shortly.


Col. R. Dewan
OCA (India)