Spot-light on OCs: Jai Joshi – Rivaz 1954-63

Jai JoshiJai Joshi, MD

Was at BCS 1954-63 in Rivaz.

An oncologist, hematologist and internist settled in Laredo, TX.  A graduate of Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, Dr. Joshi was registrar in internal medicine at the Brown Memorial Hospital, and then specialized at the US National Cancer Institute in Medical Oncology. He was assistant professor of medicine and oncology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD for almost a decade, then at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, in Houston, TX. The author of numerous publications, review articles and book chapters, he is also the proud recipient of esteemed teaching awards from Hopkins.

Dr Joshi has two sons: Amit, a graduate of Brown and a surgeon at Cornell,and Arif, a Wharton graduate and a Columbia MBA, who is now VP of  HSBC; they are both in NY city. Dr Joshi is married to Carmen, “his best friend – elegant, ageless, and laced in fineness”.  Paraphrasing Rod Stewart, for him, “she is a rhapsody, a symphony, and an essay in glamour; the warmest thing he has ever found