Here is a message from Vivek Bhasin
I am trying to coordinate a live feed through a famous news network during our sesquicentennial celebrations in Simla.
What I would need is max: 2 to 3 lines of good wishes/memories etc from OCs world wide that I would transmit over the airwaves….please respond by posting your messages here so I can pick these up and prepare them for the transmission.
Time is running…so the emergency request!!
Kindest Regards – Vivek Bhasin
It is with great joy I see our dear School’s 150th anniversary.
My great sorrow is that I am unable to be with you in these days of acknowledging the wonderful outcome of George Edward Lynch’s vision for schools to heal the wounds prevalent in his time.Tens of thousands of boys down the years have gained rich and nourishing experiences from the schools he founded, and their contribution to India from their outlook and qualities can never be measured.
My earnest prayers for our school, the boys there now and all the Staff, is that you will be inspired and strengethened to continue the best traditions which have been built up, and which have sustained our Old Boys through their lives.
May God be with you all today, and every day.
Yours sincerely,
Allan Bapty. (Rivaz 1936-38, 40-44)
BCS is the institution which has given us all leads in life ,the very foundation on which our entire life revolves. yes we are proud to be ocs. my good luck to all those who will not be able to make it up for the celebrations. regards Sanjay Sood (THEOGI) 1976-86 Rivaz
Dear Vivek Bhasin
Congratulations & all good wishes to you and all OCs, who may read this message, on this wonderful and auspicious occasion. I was in school during those glorious ‘Fifties’ and the centenary celebrations & had hoped to be there in person during the sesquicentennial celebrations as well, but my daughter has pulled me out to Germany for her delivery. Good luck & God bless our good old school in Patina.
Lefroy 1952-60
Dear Vivek Bhasin,
I cannot boast of being in BCS for lifetime but the final 2 years (+2) 1981-1983 have made the difference in my life… I would like to Thank Bishop Cotton School for what it has given to me… the final brushing..
It’ll be great to have all the old friends around for THE OCCASSION. Looking forward to it.
Spent first five years of schooling at bcs from 71 – 76, would have passed out with class of 1981 if had not left school midway. The early formative years at the school probably built me up more than the subsequent ones , including early college. wishnig the school and all associated with it the very best of celebrations on turning 150.
Nostalgia at it peak – I am attending the celebrations & so are some of my batchmates.
Some of the best years of my life spent in BCS.
Rohit Malhotra
Curzon (71-76)
CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES DEAR SCHOOL. Here’s wishing BCS another 150 years of
glorious existense. The comming generations of OCs will love their school even more,
if thats possible, and take BCS to even greater heights.
I was in BCS more than 50 years ago, joined kinder garten in 1951 and left in 1957,
without finishing, but everything is fresh in my mind as if it was yesterday. Some of the proud moments of my life are, when i proclaim that i did my early schooling in BCS.
I will miss the celebrations as i’ll be in the USA, but will celebrate where ever i am. Wishing all those who’ll be there happiest ever celebrations.
Tejinder Singh Sodhi(327)
Ibbetson 1951-1957
Its almost 44 years since I passed out from BCS. I can say that the best part of my life was spent in good old patina, the best school ever! Good luck to you all.
Ravi Inder Singh
Ibbetson, 1956-1965
I have being trying to get through on the website you have mentioned, but there apears to be a glitch at either my, or your end.
Anyway, I since I am unable to make it to Simla, for medical reasons, I would like to wish the Headmaster, Staff and all Cottonians, new and old, the very best during the coming celebrations.
I will be with you all, particularly the class of 54, in mind and spirit thruought these days, wishing mightily that I was there.
Best regards
Paul Tonk
Ibbetson 1947 – 1954.
No Change
Though, regrettably, I only spent the final 3 years of my schooling at BCS, the experience and values learnt at school, I carry to this day. The comraderie, selflessness, team spirit, secular values and to ‘Overcome Evil with Good’, I imbibed at BCS, stood me in good stead in 35 years of active service in the Indian Army.
Heartiest congratulation to all Cottonians, Staff and all Employees, both past & present on this landmark occassion of the impressive journey of ‘my school’, through the ages gone past and a glorious future ahead.
Ranbir Brar
L/ 1964-1966
I hope everybody has a wonderful time and I only wish I could be there to share in the occasion.
All the best,
Songs are written, dreams are fulfilled, stories are created all for an experience of a life time. My song was written, dream was fulfilled and story was created when i became
Cottonian. I still wish to go back and relive my dream again.
“Once a Cottonian always a Cottonian”
my heartiest congrats to all OC’s and Cottonians, may our school complete 1000yrs.
God bless all!
Kartik Sharma
C/ 1989-2001
“The best days of my life” Life begain at B C S, seeing life from an independent point of view, we all went through the metamorphosis of becoming a fully grown being from a toddler. To respect our elders, behaviour modulation,and to face ones own problems is embeded in our souls even till today.The fighting sprit both in Acadamics as well in Games was inculcated in us even before we could relaise.
The sweet memories of the Atheletic track,boxing ring,war memorial,Anderson stairs case,Irwin Hall, The holy trinity Chapel are still as fresh as ever, we all still feel them in our dreams every now and then. Yes! Truly the best days of my life….
so guys, come on lets make this 150yrs celebrations a truly memorable event..
“The best days of my life” Life begain at B C S, seeing life from an independent point of view, we all went through the metamorphosis of becoming a fully grown being from a toddler. To respect our elders, behaviour modulation,and to face ones own problems is embeded in our souls even till today.The fighting sprit both in Acadamics as well in Games was inculcated in us even before we could relaise.
The sweet memories of the Atheletic track,boxing ring,war memorial,Anderson stairs case,Irwin Hall, The holy trinity Chapel are still as fresh as ever, we all still feel them in our dreams every now and then. Yes! Truly the best days of my life….
I was in BCS 1954-62. I thank my SCHOOL, for what ever I have achieved in life ,my profesion and values of life. TOWARDS THE TWILIGHT OF MY LIFE , ON THE 150 ANNIVERSERY OF OUR SCHOOL I WISH ALL COTTONIANS ALL THE BEST WISHES. Regards RLV.
I was in BCS during the years 1958-63 and then stepped out to join the Army. I recollect those years with fond memories; the bonding, discipline, pranks and punishments, Chipu’s tuck-shop, mugging for exams, competitive sports, socials, town-leaves, the clandestine gatherings at Council Rock with Govinder’s family cottage nearby, Partap Grewal leading the pack down ‘sudden death’ on the marathon runs, Usum Nimmanhaminda trying not to kick-box in the ring and Mr Tuli lisping in frustration at failing to teach me maths et al. They were the happiest years of our grooming and I owe my career path to the School.
Those good-old-days were indeed the best and we owe it all to ‘those who’ve gone before and those who’ve yet to come’.
I’m unable to join the joyous home-coming for the School Sesquicentennial and Curzon House Centenary celebrations and wish you all a memorable reunion. My heartiest congratulations to all who’ve toiled for the joyous celebration of these landmark events.
Arun Kochhar
Hearty congratulations to the School on its 150th year. Thanks to all the boys, staff and OCs who will be making the celebrations possible. I would love to be among you on the appointed day to be sourrounded by the ambiance of a world class school, embrace the cool Shimla air and to be among old friends I grew up with. So many good memories after so many years.
Ved Seereeram (Trini) L 1961- 66
Bishop Cotton School is second to no other. Heartiest congratulations to all those in School now, to all Old Cottonians -young and old- from all over the World and
Mr and Mrs Roy Robinson , Headmaster and all organisers for putting the show together.
Well Done to ‘CLASS of 54’who started the 50 year Celebrations.
All the Very Best.
Daljit Singh (Jaijee) -Barnes and Ibbetson 1947-54.
Hooray! Hooray!! Best times ever!
Nihal Amin
@Simon Sehmbey
What a fabolous idea !! I am very excited about your celebration.My best wishes for a grand success. I have my father ,and 2 uncles who would be present for the upcoming celebrations.I would love to be able to watch it here is the USA.Thank you for the effort.
Its been 24 years since our batch left BCS and in academic and professional pursuit settled across the world. Many of us will be in BCS for the Sesquicentennial celebrations but this great event has also bought all those who could not come closer to us and the great institution which nurtured us. Thanks BCS.
Arun Sawhney
Ibbetson, 1976-1986
At the onset of the Sesquicentennial Celebrations, more than ever, I reminisce some of the best years of my life, the years I spent at Bishop Cotton School.
Throughout my association with BCS and every time we get together in these later years, I continually cherish this association. I know, as my fellow Cottonians do, that we are always ready to stand by each other through thick and thin.
Let the Sesquicentennial honor our camaraderie and each celebration further fortify our strength. It makes me proud to be a part of this faction, a league extraordinare.
I am proud to be a Cottonian. Today. Tomorrow. And Always.
My best to my fellow OCs and their near and dear.
Guru Singh Chaudhri
Rivaz, 1980-1987
Here’s to good times….great friends…and the greatest school on planet earth….the years we spent in this great institution…made MEN….out of “us” Boys…wish I could be there to celebrate with you all….good luck to all the Cottonians out there….
Shubham Anand
Lefroy 82-96
Congratulation and thank you Bishop Cotton School. Regret not able to be there and join in the celebrations. Greetings to all who have made it especially the Bhalaiks and the Stokes’s
Vijay OP Bhalaik, Liverpool. England.
School Captain 1986
Rivaz 76-86
Amazing & Awesome School where I spend my childhood and learned many things. I would like to congrats each and every cottonian for the Big Celebration of 150 Yrs of our School.
LEFROY (1998)
BCS……a tremendous and an ever lasting School.It is hard to forget it and I am hoping to visit it after well over 60 years during the celebrations.It is here that I learnt friendship,hard work,respect for my teachers,determination and resolve,,,I could go on and on.Long live BCS.
Iftikhar Malik,Cotton House,Prep School,1944 to 1947.
three cheers to our alma mater,which has completed a land mark in history-150 years and still going strong.
ten years -the best yrs ,have been spent in bishop cotton.the best relationships have bonded here.its been 43 yrs since i passed out,but my friends till date are from school name just a few who have made my life more meaningful with thier support and friendship,arun bhumitra,sham sodhi,bhatti,gobey,uday,bhalaik,ranbir brar,raju marwah…it can go on and on.
k.vijay singh. lefroy.1966
BCS is where it all started – the life lessons that will perpetually accompany us on our quest for more, the friendships that will last a lifetime, the stories that will always keep us laughing, and a motto, “Overcome Evil with Good”, that will distinguish us as the most unique breed of boys that ever existed. Thanks for everything – we are truly obliged.
Kunal Moudgil
Karan Moudgil
Lefroy (1994 – 2000)
Every great Institution has a hymn, an ode that wraps up the experience of the place into a phrase. “Overcome Evil with Good” is the motto we took with us from our alma mater to the world. These words will always hold good in any age, place or time. It is great that this august institution has been around for 150 years and still spreading the good word. All of us – it’s protégés and the world are forever in its debt.
RIVAZ (1983-1995)
Best wishes from Vijay Khurana, Arun Bhumitra, Shelly Bhumitra, Ajay Bhumitra and Shiv Kapoor.
“We sing of days now past and gone, we sing of days to be; A song to fire the mind of youth, and kindle memory”. We made a tryst with destiny when we joined BCS as students as far back as the 1960s, and the school has shaped our lives, our thinking, and built bonds that have endured the passage of time. We come back now to pay homage to that school, older and wiser, yet die hard Cottonians at heart.
While the school song describes us as “all those giants of yesterday, who’ve had their glorious hour”, we believe that our glorious hour is now, as we participate in the BCS sesquicentennial celebrations. BCS has given us memories and friends to last a lifetime, and for that we will forever be indebted to the school.
Mr. Vivek, Hats of to you…Common Friends its 150 Yrs and only 35 of us have responded…its a Big Big Day for us & Thanks to Mr. Vivek for giving us a chance to sing those proud & magical lines again. So send in your good wishes & shout tell the world who we are…i m sure none of us will forget, Lets do it once again : “WHERE EVER WE GO PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW WHOM WE ARE, SO WE SAY WE ARE THE COTTONIONS A MIGHTY MIGHTY COTTONIONS..& then.. YEEEAAAHHHHH…”, Yeppie..Woww…!
A historic occassion indeed, marking its 150th birth anniversary – the sesquicentennial ! Long live our alma mater…long live Bishop Cotton !!!
Best of luck Sir!
Best wishes and I am sure the celebrations will be a grand success.
rohit singla
Once out of school, the School has been in a way the only constant outside our personal lives… binding us ALL cottonians together FOREVER by the time we spent there and the common cottonian spirit.
Thank you dear teachers and my dear school. I have gained a lot from you.
Dhiraj Jayani
Curzon 78-89
I was in school 41 thru 48, that’s eight years or half my life time at that stage of my life. BCS was like home. What I learned has stood me in good stead the rest of my life. I regret not being able to join in the festivities this October, but have been back several times in the past and will be with you all in though and spirit.
John McLaughlin, Michigan, USA
Prep School 41-43
Ibbetson 44-48
I extend my warmest regards and celebrations to people who are putting in their best efforts to make this huge event happen.
kudos to you all..
Thanks Vivek
Lefroy 04
I hope all past, present and future OCs Have as happy and fruitful memories as mine. Classrooms, sports, wolf cubs, Kite flying, the chapel choir, acting in plays, watching the rains coming up from the South… I could go on forever. Congratulations BCS on thriving for 150 years and may the next 150 be even better.
David Mitchell, Florida, USA.
Junior school 1941-1943
Curzon 1944
Congratulations to our good old school.
Compliments to all the organisers who are doing such a fantastic job.
I am getting nostalgic and wish I could just drop everything and go back to school for these celebrations.
I wish all those who are going have a great time; and keep up the Cottonian Spirit.
SM Singh
Curzon 57 to 64
I sing my school motto loud and clear, overcome evil with good, for those who have gone before like me old cottonian, and to those who yet to come like my son Navjit studing in 7A, Curzon house. A proud moment for father and son on the 150 anniversary of BCS and completion of 100 years of Curzon House.
Aninderjit Singh (Kartara)
1980..1986 Curzon House
Navjit Dang C 2007..
Congratulation for shaping us in the most impressionalble years of our life and giving us the values to be cherished.
On the 150th Anniversary of BCS let me say Loud & Clear ‘THANK YOU BCS’, for the lessons & values that have made me successful, confident & PROUD TO BE A COTTONIAN.
Vikram Sodhi C-1962-71
For all those who’ve gone before…. like myself ,to those who’ve yet to come …like my son (who is in upper XIth form this yearat BCS and also the Curzon house Captain). A proud moment for us both.Look forward to the 200th year with my grandson.
The School completes 150 years… And we 25!!! How time flies?
The Most memorable Years of my Life…!!!
Cheers to All!
Bhups – Class of 1984
The years Spent at BCS are whats helping in life.
Also congrats & thanx to the organisers for the great work done.
Puneet Khanna
Curzon House
Great stuff. Wonderful to see the OC community live and kicking across the world. It is a matter of time , now that the OCA network and Internet are making us virtually talking and meeting, to have BCS return to earlier glorious days.
Must use this opportunity of 150 years celebration to see how OCA can help and we individually to bring back glory to BCS.
Lefroy 1969-1975
Wishing all those who are working hard to make this event a success a very warm and heartfelt thanks. Perfect time and venue to meet all those we have always thought about but didnt have the oppurtunity to meet.Wishing a instituition the very best and thanking all the teachers who gave us the rudder to steer our lives to what we have become today……….thankful OCs……….looking forward to meeting all of the classmates and friends.
I wish i was there to be a part of the celebrations.
i owe a lot to bcs and i want my son to feel the same.request more oc’s to feel commited and send their son’s to bcs and want the administration to take education in bcs to new heights.atleast at par with international standards.wishing all a very happy 150th year.
gurbrinder singh anand
[curzon 1980-1985].
sukhamrit singh anand
For all the OCs who couldnt make it; “Wish you were here”.
Jamal Syed (Jimmy) Ibbetson. 1976-1987
A memorable occasion for every Cottonian….. it is in itself grand to be part of 150yrs of history.
Rohit Berry
Rivaz, 84-96
150 Glorious Years – May the spirit and zest for providing continued excellence in all-round education prevail in the coming centuries as well.
Surinder S. Ahluwalia
(Ibbetson 1952-1956)
This is a great milestone in the history of BCS and heartiest Congratulations to all of you who are working hard at helping to make it a success.
Mokshinder Singh (Ibbetson 1962-1968)
Group President
Sita World Group
Los Angeles. CA. USA
We all share common sentiments at being 150 : We learnt lots at BCS,we owe so much to our School for taking us where we are.We now are the mirrors all over the world through whom BCS is reflected.Let us pledge to be its incomparable ambassadors.For those now at School,remember boys,Bishop Cotton,our great FOUNDER, is now ‘present’ on the First Flat,watching over you all the time.The greatest Tribute all of us Cottonians and Old Cottonians can now pay to our Founder is to try our best to live up to the lofty words of the mighty Motto he has bequeathed to us : Overcome EVIL
with GOOD.The solemn year,2009,when we turn 150,is Big Time : time for Congratulations all round,especially to all the organisers of this historic event.Also time for Celebration. LONG LIVE B.C.S.
Gurpratap Singh Sahi I.A.S.(Retd) (Ibbetson 1953-56) # 700,Sector 11-B, Chandigarh, India.
OCA/UK has provided a rich source of frienship in these later years and the opportunity to return to BCS for the 150th celebrations with good friemds is looked forward to eagerly. My sincere thanks to the organisers for making this possible.
(Curzon 1939 – 1944)
I was part of the first batch of ISC students. I arrived as a 15 year old boy and left as a 17 year old man. The discipline, the loyalty, the respect for man, for culture, for God and for seniors has stood me well in my career. Ashwini Singh Virk became my best friend. Even though i travelled all over the world we stayed in touch. I tell many Canadians that I was one of the only catholic boys among 300 students and yet we went to the Chapel daily. We were multicultural, multiethnic way before the world.
Congrats to every cottonian and may you continue to reach new heights.
Gerald Clemont Godinho 81 83
Lefroy House
Portfolio Manager
Research Capital Toronto Canada
Congratulations to all old cottonians specially the goog old chums Tiger, Sunil Mohan, Harish, Duggi, Muli and Mukesh Sethi and all the othes. Can still remember some wounderful times we had together and will the school leave days when Tiger Sunil and myself went to Gandamal, had some cold coffee & chocolates (at Tiger’s expense) Lunch at Sunil’s Rotney castle home. Everyone have a great time during the celebrations and will try and come. God Bless. See you soon.
Vinod Nanda (Nanda 2)
(Lefroy 1959 – 67)
Best of Luck Vivek, congratulations to all OC’s worldwide. its a great contribution toward the school i must say, moment of Pride for all the OC’s as the school completes 150 years. Thanks OCA for keeping the memories fresh and providing an opportunity to all OC’s to be attached to school throughout life.
Given an opportunity I will start my life again from junior school. walking in rows to enter the classroom, library towards the senior school…..sitting quietly in the library and reading Noddy and NG Mag waiting for Mr. Botteto to move out….playing with clay and constructing soccer courts of clay…
moving to the middle school, expecting to be called big boys….still walking in rows, morning chapel, classes, waiting for tea break to have biscuits…LOVE THAT ALL.I still remember the fragrance of the bakery, those breads and biscuits…
Finally stepping into the senior school…those fights with batch mates on smallest of issues…HEADY always calling us mischievous boys…that feeling of seniority and stepping on the fountain, some relief from short hair(BCS CUT). Love that all…. I wish I was back again……….Miss those days…
Congratulations to all Cottonians and Old Cottonians.I spent a short time in BCS but those were one of the best years of my life and it laid the foundation for my future. Thank you very much to all the dedicated teachers and staff, for all the hard work. It’s my prayer that our school may grow from strength to strength and continue to uphold our motto “Overcome Evil With Good”. God bless.
Bishop Cotton School, Curzon House. The years I spent at BCS are some of the best years of my life.I have always drawn immense strength from the enviorn. Some of the best things with me, I owe it to my School, My passions, My love for Nature, My love for Art & Architecture, My love for Music, My love for my Tennis.
I still remember clearly the amazing buscuits we used to get from the bakery, wow still miss them. I used to always love the classroom opposite the Headmaster’s Lodge. I still love it and have some deep and fond memories.
I am sure and always will be that as we study at BCS we transform into people truly remarkable and amazing, in whatever fields of life we go we carry with us our life at school , what we have become and what became ingrained as us. I am sure that in time all of us add something beautiful to the world all around us as that is what we are destined to become as Cottonians.
Thank you BCS for giving me the most wonderful years of my life which I’ll cherish forever, and thank you all cottonian friends for making my world so special that I want to come back again to study in school.
Chota school from 43-45, senior school for 1 year 1946 Lefroy house. Completed school in the UK after the war.
Congratulations to all the hard working committee members with regards to the organising of the 150 birthday bash and apologise for my non attendance. Getting a bit reluctant to moving around to much, but you all have fun.
Best wishes to my school.It is indeed a big time for it.I wish I could be in Shimla at this time. Regards to all my batchmates.
Dr Avneesh Kumar
Sheffield (U.K)
Rivaz 1973-82
Congratulations to all OC’S worldwide. BCS is the best & will continue to be.I enjoyed every moment of those 10 yrs i was in Patina.To all the organisers of this huge event welldone.To the class of 59 see you all.K.S.DHANOA(MILO)LEFROY 1950-59
Hi ,
I congratulate my alma mater on completing 150 years. I wish I could be there, but come to think of it , I never left BCS. As one of my fellow mates said on our farewell dinner……..once a cottonian , forever a cottonian.
I extend my goodwishes to the headmaster and the staff , who have many a mile to conquer to keep our flag flying high
Vishal Gobhil
Lefroy 93-94
Manager Sourcing TATA Consultancy Services
Silicon Valley
CA 95051
Thanks for making us develop an endearing all-round personality – that stands us in good stead wherever we may be. Thanks for inculcating in us the spirit to rise through dedication and hard work – in every facet of life – personal or professional. Thanks for making us resolute – however audacious our challenges may be. Thanks for making us genuine beings – by teaching us to overcome evil with good.
Congratulations to all Cottonians and OC’s and to the distinguished faculty on the 150th celebrations!
I have very fond memories of my years at BCS….Chipu’s Tuck Shop, ‘Goldy’ ( Headmaster R.K.Von Goldstein), Interhouse sports competitions, The Marathon along Chotta Simla rd, Matches with Sanawer School, Town Leaves to visit Shimla Downtown,Late night cram sessions during the finals, the rare spankings, pillow-fights in the dorm,the train rides between Kalka-Simla,…… I could go on and on…
Vivek Berry
San Francisco
Lefroy 1964-1972
Great job Vivek ! Congratulations in advance to the OCA and School for what surely promises to be a memorable event.. Well Done…
Y.K. Mehra
Curzon 1969-73
My good wishes to the Old Cottonians, present students, & the teachers/ staff, both old & present on the occasion of our sesquicentennial celebrations.
I wish I could have been present on this historic occasion.
Brig Suresh Datt (Retd)
Curzon 1954-56
Wishing everybody all the best to all that have been involved in this great school .
See you all there with my son Gobind
Vijay Dewan(Skinny) L 72
The best 11 years of my life. It was those that gave me “…days to be” and made me strive ever harder and never give up! Owe a lot to B.C.S.
Sorry forgot to mention the great contribution of S.S.Rai in keepng the OCA running
Homer Gill (!966-1970) Ibbetson
Heartiest Congradulations to all cottonian,and a big thank you to BCS for embedding
the spirit and courage to conquer the world.
Harish Trehan
( I -1961-1968)
Congratulations to Vivek bhasin,Jaspal Sawhney and DC Anand for keeping the OCA running and doing it in style.
Best of luck to all Cottonions
Homer Gill (1966-1970)
Three cheers for Mr Bhasin. The spirit going strong. All the very BEST!
three cheers for vivek bhasin
Too bad I can’t be there to attend this. Congratulations to every one who organized/participated in this event and congratulations to every OC worldwide. OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD. From New York, Ramandeep Anand (L-1988-1992)
Heartiest congratulations to you on your dedication, sacrifice and hard work for good old BCS…….Your efforts are worth emulating. Keep it up!! Do let me know, as an old Cottonian and permanent resident of Simla, if I can help in any way.
Uday Singh Jubbal.(I-1961-1966.)
Woodville Palace,
Raj Bhawan Road, Simla East.
Congratulations to all those who arranged the sesquicentennial celebrations of one the oldest and best boarding schools in the world. My eleven years at BCS really prepared me to handle everything in life. I am honored and proud to be an OC. Partap Grewal, Curzon 1953-1963.
Beloved School all of 150 years old !! Thankyou for giving us so much “To those who have gone before and those who have yet to come….” How true, wish I had paid more attention to our school song. All the best.
James Gideon. Rivaz 1955- 1964
My best wishes to all Cottonians and Old Cottonians, for the sesquicentennial celebrations of a great and wonderful school. After 10 short years in school it gave me the grounding of what the school motto emphasised. Overcome Evil With Good.
Dick D’Abreu. Curzon 1937 to 1946.
What a wonderful effort. Why dont we fix a live webcam on campus for all OCs to see their school whenever they want. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes and I am sure the celebrations will be a grand success. From Los Angeles , USA., Pari
Best of luck Sir!