The next break – SECURITY
…this isn’ta continuation of the motorcycle diaries..or the contemplation of the loneliness of the long distance runner….who beat all others to find his freedom to be a free sprit….nor is it another chapter after the Christmas letter…
But one has to start from somewhere; from someplace where he left off..and bring it all up once again….
so here we all are once again…..with me at the outset of spring…back in Sweden.
-we had a number of meetings at the OCA (U.K.) chapter
-a big do at the OCA (Chandigarh) chapter
-then the annual OCA (India) luncheon at the President Bodyguard’s mess on 11th February; the golf match was postponed because as usual ladies got the better of us men..Cottonians and Sanawarians…..
-even some short bitter interchanges……
I have been on the road…a ziginare…a gypsy…a gitano….living off my small handbag……Karlstad-Paris-Brussels-Antwerp-Delhi-Simla-Amritsar-Pisa-Livorno-London-Weybridge…..this ain’t no brag at the number of places I visit so ye may feel envious of this fortunate traveller…no this is about living on the edge from one day to another…..would it not be peaceful to look across the lake and see the last ripples of the dropped pebble die out and peace return…yes finally that warm secure feeling….
Secure feeling.
Really important…Security.
Our good ole’ friend Mr Thesaurus would make security synonymous with…safety-refuge-sanctuary-protection…
….I feel real secure when I walk with my two gorgeous children…side by side…..not a fear in this world..completely secure…
…do you feel secure when your wife comforts you and assures you that a new dawn will be better than the previous one…
…do they feel secure that the sentry with night vision will spot every slow move of the enemy and snipe it down as you hunker in and try to gather strength to fight another day…..
-do we all feel secure that our brotherhood will survive the ravages of time and come out unscathed to live up to our dreams and goals……for BCS.
or do you feel insecure when a ‘so called friend..’ is so slick and craft that he or she enjoys that feeling of making you so…because this person was born and bred that way….and the only sense of security that he or she ever knew was just that….total insecurity?
Welcome to the Jungle my friends….we do not have time to live with insecure people who haunt us that way…yes we may try to change them,…but if they do not or influence you….just swallow that bitter pill……..chuck that bad pebble across the water…let it shimmy across and finally plop…for eventually the ripples will die and your peace returns…we have no time……for those…we know how secure we can be with those who genuinely care for you and wish you so…..
…as I had to do during a violent mid-atlantic storm; I jettisoned the dead ballast…all that insecure insignificant weight that reduced my speed, my quest for perfection and then I journeyed on…….into a calm beautiful night…..staring at the full moon like a lover….
Vivek Bhasin