Class of 1956 Golden Jubilee 2006


The following 22 OCs from the class of 1956 ( we were 28 in school ) contributed Rs.10,000/- each towards the Golden Jubilee Award for the all-round Best Cottonian of the Year, besides booking themselves in for stay at Eastbourne Hotel :

Curzon:  Ashok Batra, Anil Sikand , Ashok Sopory
Ibbetson:  *Amarjit Singh, Chhattar Singh, Gurpratap Singh, I.S.Walia, N.D.Mehra, *P.Nanda, R.K.Malhotra, Satinder Singh, S.S.Ahluwalia, *Subir Basu, *V.Nayar
Lefroy:   *Ajit Singh, Inderjit Singh, *Y.B.Bhatt
Rivaz:  A.S.Dulat, S.Sondhi, Surinderpal Singh, Vijay Singh, V.K.Stokes


The ones shown with an asterisk were unable to attend, though most regretfully, on account, differently, of back injury, death of near relation, and unavoidable international commitment.


Dear Mr. Robinson

This letter should have been with you a few days earlier : a letter carrying the grateful thanks of the Class of 1956 for your wonderful cooperation and support, all the way, in helping mould our Golden Jubilee Reunion into the magnificent event it has really been. The Special Order of Service ( bearing our name ) in the Holy Trinity Chapel, the lavish High Tea, the detailed round of the School Estate ( inclusive of Rifle Shooting ),the Cricket Match with Special Rules (no LBW, no run outs and five extra overs! ) The Inter – House Music Extravaganza ( well done boys ! ) and the Grand Finale in the shape of the HM’s Dinner, embellished with the lovely Souvenir packet ( those fabulous etchings of nostalgic school buildings ) will live with us all the way through. While thanking you personally Mr.Robinson, we should like to thank, also, all the members of the School Staff, as well as the Class IV friends who played their part in making our Golden Jubilee so colourful and memorable. We should like, also, to recall some of the landmark events of this spectacular Reunion which, too, indeed, could only have been possible with your spontaneous cooperation and support :

The Award, in its parameters, as well as in its distinguished status, will work as a silent, yet forceful, motivator in raising the all-round performance of all Cottonians, and, in so doing, will help enhance the image of BCS in the comity of Public Schools in the country. Apart from seeing one’s name go up on this extraordinary Honours Board, the Silver Salver and the accompanying Cash Award of Rs.5000/- would put some more extra shine on the metal of motivation
The Silver Salver.
The Class of 1956 carry the pride and satisfaction of having raised the Corpus of Rs.2,20,000/- between themselves to finance this outstanding Award, through annual interest accrual, and undertake to swell it further, should inflation so require. The First Winner, the Golden Jubilee Winner, of the Award for 2006, should be in the process of evolution !
The Granite Stone on the way down to REMOVE, while commemorating the Tree Plantation carried out by the Class of 1956,seeks to splash the message to present and future Cottonians, to Green BCS, Green Shimla, Green India. In short, to value the urgent need to prevent denudation of this valuable natural resource and to protect and promote the greening of their environment, wherever they happen to be.

Distribution of BLANKETS to Class IV Staff
This has a message too : In the midst of your jubilation, remember to remember your foot soldiers. They, and their welfare, come first : Always & Everytime.

So, that’s it Mr Robinson. In the forge of your Headmastership, and with your active participation and support, the Class of 1956 have had the privilege to set a road map for succeeding Jubilarians to follow. May they do better, for in their so doing, the biggest gainer will be our beloved Alma Mater, the School of Bishop Cotton.

Last year, we had all dreamt a dream. The dream has come true. Our renewed thanks to yourself, to Mrs. Robinson, to all the members of your Staff, and last, but never the least, to all our young Cottonians.


Most nostalgically,

Gurpratap Singh :

For, and on behalf of the Class of 1956