SANDEEP MANSUKHANI / International Mt. EVEREST Expedition [North] 2015

International Mt Everest Expedition North 2015
This is Harsimran Mansukhani bringing you the updates from my husband Capt Sandeep Mansukhani who is attempting the north route of Mt Everest via Tibet. The dispatch will be subject to communication with him or the agency….there may be delay in these dates….
Here is the picture clicked in Kathmandu before the team from North left and some of the dispatches sent by dear Sandeep ji…

International Mt. Everest Expedition 2015

April 10,2015
we left Kathmandu early at 0600hrs and arrived zangmu(2350m/7708ft)..In the evening, crossed Nepal border into Tibet,China. Slightly delayed because of long paper work at the border…

April 11,2015
Hi everyone we have reached Nylam(3750m/12300ft)..did some walking around the town and doing my prayanams for breathing. looking forward to do some hiking tom for acclimatising…thanks all for following our expedition.

April 12,2015
Hi..Today was our second day spent acclimatising to the lofty heights of Himalayan mountains climbing a peak for about 3 hours and took some amazing pictures Tibet has to offer…Tom we head to Tingri to continue acclimatising for two nights before heading up to Everest base camp. All members are in good spirits and happy to be living out their mountaineering goals. (A quick hi to my family and love to kids) Over and out

April 13,2015
Hey…heavy snowfall delayed our departure to along with me are well. We arrived Tingri(4350m/14300ft) by late afternoon. Walked around the town and looking forward for a acclimatize climb tom..gud nite.

Any information received by me will be shared with all you lovely people out there praying and wishing success and well being of my dear husband….I thank you all for your love and support…

April 14,2015
Good day everyone. Its Tingri..Everyone is ok and the team of International climbers are getting together really well. We are currently at 4350m/14300ft above sea level so everyone is feeling the altitude in one way or the other- slight breathless and mild headache are common..we did our acclimitisation climb of about 400m to a hill nearby. Due to poor visibility not getting a proper view of Mt Cho Oyu- the sixth highest mountain of the world. We will be heading tom for the Everest base camp at 5200m/17050ft…gud nite

21st April UPDATE:

April 15,2015
I am pleased to inform u all that the team has arrived Everest Base Camp(Tibet) 5200m/17056ft. Altitude is hitting on everyone now. Headache and heavy breathing…will be spending few days here to acclimitize after the 900m jump from Tingr (4300m). The base camp of Chinese side is very spacious. I will enjoy the chance to meet climbers from other teams…over and out

April 16, 2015
At EBC…went for a 300m hike towards intermediate camp…got bad cold and cough due to temp below freezing after sunset at 1700 hrs…

April 17, 2015
Sun rise at 0730hrs…The majesty looks beauiful.Mt Everest. Auspicious Tibetan day..visited Rongpu Monastry and prayed for health and success of everyone…den carried out to nearby cluster of tea houses for some tea and hiked back to EBC for late lunch…Tom is rest day

April 18,2015
Morning all.. down with cold and cough..taking loads of steam and drinking lots of fluids…black tea and eating ginger all day..

April 19, 2015
Rest day..oxygen briefing pre lunch…which we will be using during summit push around 25000ft till summit. Rested as feeling weak due to cold…missing warmth of home…missing papa, sister, kiddos n simran…love u all..Sunny days and snowy evening with strong winds. Attempting from North side has this drawback of ferocious winds n temp variations…keep praying guys…

UPDATE 25th APRIL 2015:

April 20,2015
Jai Hind..Another day of acclimatize..went for hike of about 500m….got bad cold and cough…recovery is not easy at this altitude…got to drink loads of warm water and tea whole day…really missing the warmth of home and family :(( have taken amazing pics of Everest from base camp…will post them when i come back from the expd by the first week of June…we will be spending another three days here before heading for interim camp 5800m/19024ft on 24 April and to Advance Base Camp 6400m/21000ft on 25 April..will stay at ABC for 8days following puja ceremony, practising ice climbing and fixed line management skills ahead of making our ascent to North Cole (Camp1)7100m/23288ft and following day to camp 2 (7700m/25256ft) and then again back to ABC….rest for a day and then trek down to Base Camp..this will finish our rotations of acclimatize climb without supplement oxygen…then will wait for the weather window and climb all the way from Base Camp to Summit of Mt Everest…..thank you all for following my dispatches and for your well wishes…Stay tuned for the next…..loves and kisses to my lil Bhakti and Kabir.

EDITOR: I downloaded some pics from Nima Namgyal Sherpa Facebook page:


25 April, 2015
Dear all, Just contacted the agency to check the latest situation on Mt Everest after the earthquake……There is still no contact with the team from North from where Sandeep ji is attempting….whereas there are reports of many avalanches in the South and three member of another agency are still missing…..Please keep praying for the well being of all…..will update as soon as get any information from North.

Hey all… i am back with a good news……Just got a call by sandeep ji through a satellite phone…he said
” Simran we are all good and safe….there was a severe shock waves but we are fine…no need to worry”. Then there was a disturbance in the call….i again asked him is all ok…

.but there was low connection and just heard” I am Ok Simran”…phone disconnected. I thank God they are all safe.

I thank you all for your prayers and wishes for him. Any other info i will get, will share with you all….thanks again



3 thoughts on “SANDEEP MANSUKHANI / International Mt. EVEREST Expedition [North] 2015

  1. Pingback: Mount Everest Expedition 2018 | Old Cottonians Association

  2. Pingback: Expedition to Mount Everest in 2018 by an OC | Old Cottonians Association

  3. Mohan

    Hi Bravehearts! I hope all of you are safe and fine notwithstanding the earthquakes and it’s aftershocks. In case you are pushing ahead with your climb do take abundant care and caution. Wish you good luck and my best wishes with all of you…..I know you guys can and will do it……Mohan


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