OCs Week / 2014

Thursday, 29th May 2014
9:30 a.m. Special Chapel for OC’s
10:30 a.m. Past Vs Present Cricket Match
7:30 p.m. Headmaster’s Dinner
Friday, 30th May 2014
9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon Past Vs Present Basket Ball Match / Campus Tour
12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Annual School Fete
Saturday, 31st May 2014
9:00 a.m. Annual Junior School Sports

With best regards,

From the Office of the Headmaster

3 thoughts on “OCs Week / 2014

  1. Deepak Thakur R 1964-73

    The Headmaster’s dinner should not have been kept on a working day, it should have been kept on Saturday, 31 May 2014. Not all OCs work and live in Simla.

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