Cottonian ‘Mom’ Archana Sardana has 2 of her sons at BCS and she jumped out of a plane in excitement when BCS turned 150!
And then yet again, for Curzon at 100!
Archana is a co-founder of Indian Sky Jumpers and Sky Diver Girl.
The vision statement of this organization is: “The lady skydivers in conjunction with their male counterparts (civilian and military) will ‘fall from the skies!’ as ‘Demonstration Skydivers’ at public / private events and propagate the cause of ‘Eye Donation’ and create mass awareness and motivation among the Indian populace to gift ‘Sight’ to its 1.5 crore (15 million) blind which sadly include 20 lakh (2 million) children and try to make their country ‘Blind Free’.”
A message from Archana Sardana:
My boys are Pranav and Ayush Sardana in class 3 and 4 respectively and both are in Curzon House. They joined the school this year only. I was to jump in the school ground but the chopper charges were too high . The Navy skydivers came and inspected the place etc. Thereafter I was to jump in Indore on 19th Sept but on reaching there on 18th night the sky diving camp got called off. I had to fly back to Mumbai and take the next flight to USA. I had to do another 70 jumps to get a “C licence” before anybody would let me jump with the flags! I did that finally, and am back in Mumbai. In the bargain I missed the celebrations at BCS, but as the motto of Curzon House goes – “Action Not Words” – we have kept ours. Infact this story which started on 4th March 2009 has to be told. I will write a small piece and you may kindly put it up on the OCA/BCS web.
Click the thumbnails for a large view
I am looking for support to attempt the Everest Skydive with the Indian Flag in May 2010 to propgate the cause of eye donation among Indians. Of my 2 jumps one will be with the Indian Flag and the other with the BCS Flag.I recently returned from the Drop zone from Nepal but only saw others attempting as I could not afford the cost of the jump. Pawning off a lot, could probably only just get me till there. But then anything for altitude ! I have 240 jumps to my credit, a “C license” from United States Paratroopers Association and also an Advance course in Mountaineering from the NIM, Uttarkashi. My boys are in the best school in the world and that is the reason I can concenterate all my energies for the cause of “India Blind Free”. If you know anybody in the government or corporates who might be willing to assist kindly email me at regards,
Archana Sardana
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Dear Archana,
What a lovely way of celebrating…….just beautiful.
Have a great time & take care.
Avninder Thakur
Curzon 1959-1967
WOW, Mrs.Archana that is great. Felt on top of this world seeing the BCS Flag, rather felt more proud seeing the CURZON HOUSE flag. Great keep it up . Bye.
Pat Grewal.
Curzon ( 80 – 91 )
Dear Archana. It was amazing though I have not seen the CD yet, being a cottonian a curzonian too I would love to have the CD.
Bye. Take care.
(1980-84 -C)
Congrats !! Mrs Sardana!! U are amazing!!! Even Jhansi Ki Rani falls a little short for the feat achieved by you!
DAD’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up as well
Warm regards
Karan sarin
Ibbetson- 1982-1986
Hi Archana,
Missed you and Jasbir in Simla for the sequi.. was told you attended the Chandi have done us very proud and it was a pleasure watching the pics..would love a copy of the to the family.
Dear Archana,
Couldn’t have been a better way to take the Cottonian flag up there.
We all feel on top of the word. Sure the kids are inspired too.
You’ve done us proud Lady !
Jatinder Singh Taneja
(Lefroy 81-83)
Yeah Mrs Sardana,
That the way U have made all the cottonians proud. Best wishes
Vishal Singh – Chandigarh
Dear Cottonians,
If you would like to receive a CD containing the video of the Indian, BCS & Curzon House flag jumps kindly email me your postal address with pin code. It also contains a 15 min promo video on skydiving. I shall courier you a copy of the same asap.
united we fall…for a blind free India !
Archana Sardana
Founder ‘Women Skydivers of India’
‘C’ Licence USPA
Dear Ms.Archana.
This is truly amazing. A remarkable feat.
Wishing you and your family a lot of happiness
Hi Archana,
You are great. We are very proud of you. The feat performed by you when you unfurled the flags of BCS & CURZON House thousands of feet in the sky, is out of this world. The tremendous guts and loyalty you have displayed will remain etched in the hearts of all Cottonians, Curzonians and every one at BCS.
I have had the pleasure of meeting your lovely sons and handsome husband (in navy regalia) at BCS during the celebrations. I am a proud OC and Curzonian (1951 to 1956).
God Bless you and your family
Best Wishes
Ashok Sopory. (Chandigarh)
WOW!!!..thats one of the best surprises and made my day..seeing the curzon house flag made me almost fly with pride…..well done Archana…
Sam Grewal
1981-91 (C)
You made Curzon House proud.
Curzon (1987-1989)
You knocked the wind out of me. May God bless you.
Outstanding – Archana !
You raised the bar several notches higher – through this outstanding example of grit and determination.
I’m sure your sons will do you proud with their actions – inspired as they would be like all of us !
I (1979-80)
Dear Archana,
That was an amazing effort. I am proud to be a curzonian.
Warmest regards,
Ashok Chachra,
Curzon House
Great job Archana !
Best Wishes
Y. Mehra
Dear Archana,
Babe! You Rock!!
Love to meet you anywhere on this planet; prefereably on the ground!
You knew for a fact : Bishop Cotton School was the Best for your Tigers!
You go it right …..100%
You are the Bestest!!
The Old Cottonian Fraternity honours you!
Warmest Regards,
Vivek Bhasin
(Lefroy 1961-1970)
London, England
Now this is something that no other school could even think of…….. Mrs Sardana, you have made all cottonians extremely proud. I am sure both your sons are gonna be on cloud 9 for the rest of the year! And they have every reason to be!
Here’s wishing you and your family all the very best!